.. _config_yaml: ******************************************** Setting up Parameters for Measurements ******************************************** .. _setup_parameters: Setting up Common Parameters ============================= Common parameters are specified under common section in ``HOMEDIR/osgcloud/driver/osgcloud_rules.yaml`` file. Results Directory ----------------- By default, results are stored in:: results_dir: HOMEDIR/results where HOMEDIR is parsed by the baseline and elasticity+scalability drivers to the home directory of the Linux user. The results are grouped by RUNID as defined in:: ./all_run.sh MYFIRSTRUN where MYFIRSTRUN indicates the run id. NTP Time Server --------------- By default, NTP server of all instances is benchmark harness machine. It is highly recommended to use an NTP server that is hosted on a machine other than benchmark harness. The NTP server can be configured by uncommenting the following parameter, and providing NTP servers as a comma separated list:: timeserver: 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org,1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org Note that there is no space between comma and NTP server hostnames. Provision Retries ----------------- The time to provision an instance can vary across your cloud. The following two parameters determine how long CBTOOL should wait before declaring a VM creation as unsuccessful:: vm_defaults: update_attempts: 60 update_frequency: 5 ``update_frequency`` defines how often CBTOOL checks that a VM is successfully provisioned. ``update_attempts`` determine how many attempts CBTOOL makes every update_frequency seconds to determine that a VM is successfully provisioned. A VM is successfully provisioned if it is SSHable. Login User for Instances ------------------------ vm_templates determine the image name for workloads used in your cloud. The login parameter determines the Linux user name for the image:: vm_templates: CASSANDRA: login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool SEED: login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool YCSB: login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool HADOOPMASTER: login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool HADOOPSLAVE: login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool [For development] The workload images on SPEC miami repository (available only to SPEC members) have been configured with 'cbuser' as the Linux user. Setting Up Supporting Evidence Parameters ========================================= Support evidence section is under support_evidence in ``HOMEDIR/osgcloud/driver/osgcloud_rules.yaml`` file. The default parameters assume that the user name in your workload images is ``cbuser``, support evidence directory is in ``HOMEDIR/results/EXPID/instance_evidence_dir`` , and ``osgcloud`` is in ``HOMEDIR/osgcloud``:: instance_user: cbuser instance_keypath: HOMEDIR/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa support_evidence_dir: HOMEDIR/support support_script: HOMEDIR/osgcloud/driver/support_script/collect_support_data.sh cloud_config_script_dir: HOMEDIR/osgcloud/driver/support_script/cloud_config/ For a valid run, VM supporting evidence should be collected. This is set as follows:: instance_support_evidence: true host_support_evidence: false If you do not want to collect supporting evidence while you are testing various phases of the benchmark, you can set the ``instance_support_evidence`` flag to false.