Platform Settings for Altos Intel-based servers

Firmware / BIOS / Microcode Settings

Power Policy Quick Settings
Allows the user to set an overall power and performance policy for the system, and when changed will modify a selected list of options to achieve the policy.
The default settings of this option is "Standard".
[Best Performance] Optimization is strongly toward performance, even at the expense of energy efficiency.
[Standard] Weights optimization toward energy conservation, with good performance.
[Energy Efficient] Optimization is strongly toward energy efficiency, even at the expense of performance.
SNC (Sub_NUMA Cluster)
This feature is similar to COD on previous generations. It produces more NUMA objects under ACPI. The major difference is that SNC LLC is unified and COD LLC is separated. Sub_NUMA Cluster enables the two-cluster; two-way interleave of IMC Interleaving will focus to 1-cluster. If there are DIMMs on both MCs, enable the SNC and set one-way interleave. It will enable SNC2 (two clusters)
The default settings of this option is "Disabled".
[Enabled] Enable Sub_NUMA Cluster.
[Disabled] Disable Sub_NUMA Cluster.
IMC Interleaving
This BIOS option controls the interleaving between the Integrated Memory Controllers (IMCs).
The default settings of this option is "Auto".
[Auto] IMC Interleaving mode is determined by SNC.
[1-way Interleave] There is no interleaving.
[2-way Interleave] Addresses are interleaved between the two IMCs.
Enhanced Halt State (C1E)
The Enhanced Halt State (C1E) option features further reduce the total power consumption while processors in C1 state. When C1E is enabled, the processor is allowed to reduces the core clock frequency to minimum the power consumption as well as perforamnce.
The default settings of this option is "Enabled".
[Enabled] Enable Enhanced Halt State (C1E).
[Disabled] Disable Enhanced Halt State (C1E).