GPC Groups Elect Officers

The GPC Group and its three project groups elected officers at February 1996 meetings in Redmond, Wash. The officers will serve a one-year term.

GPC Group

The GPC Group voted to maintain the same set of officers:
Chair: Michael Bailey, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Vice-Chair: Rob Putney, IBM
Secretary/Treasurer: Bill Licea-Kane, Digital Equipment Corp.

OPC Project Group

The OPC project group retains the same officers:
Chair: David Ligon, Silicon Graphics Inc.
Vice-Chair/Secretary/Treasurer: Rob Putney, IBM

PLB Project Group

Chair: Paul Martin, Hewlett-Packard
Vice-Chair: Bill Licea-Kane, Digital Equipment Corp.
Secretary/Treasurer: Allan Frankel, Megatek

XPC Project Group

Chair: Gary Wiseman, IBM
Vice Chair: Paul Martin, Hewlett-Packard
Secretary/Treasurer: Steve Craig, Digital Equipment Corp.

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