Reasons to Join the 
SPECapcSM Benchmarking Effort

SPECapcSM Information

Frequently Asked Questions

SPECapc Project Committee Rules

Seeking Partnerships

The Application Performance Characterization (SPECapc) project group is seeking ISVs, software user groups, publication editors and testing lab directors who have developed benchmarks or are interested in the benchmarking process to help in its quest to develop and maintain standardized benchmarks based on graphics-intensive applications.

It is the SPECapcís belief that end users of graphics applications will benefit greatly from a broad-ranging set of benchmarks focusing on the graphics portions of applications in CAD/CAM/CAE, visualization, simulation, industrial design, animation, AEC and games. The SPECapc group is working directly with leading ISVs to develop benchmarks that reflect the real-world work of graphics users. Here are some of the benefits your organization can receive from working with the SPECapc Group:

  • Participation in the development process to ensure that benchmarks reflect real-world user experience.
  • Access to beta versions of benchmarks to test how your organization's application performs on different hardware systems. 
  • Recognition of your organization's application as an industry leader by SPECapc members representing major graphics systems vendors. 
  • Positive marketing exposure for your organization's application in the trade press and on the GPC Groupís popular Web site. 
  • Positive marketing exposure for your organization's application through its use as a worldwide industry standard. 
  • Positive marketing exposure for your organizationís application through quotes of performance numbers in advertisements, testing lab reports in trade publications, and marketing collateral.
Contact the SPECapc project group to discuss how we can work together to make your organizationís application become the basis for a worldwide benchmarking standard.
The Benchmarks

SPECapcSM for SolidWorks 2001™
****New Benchmark****

SPECapcSM for 3D Studio MAX R3

SPECapcSM for
Solid Edge V9

SPECapcSM for Pro/ENGINEERô 2000i²

SPECapcSM for
SolidWorks 99ô

SPECapcSM for Unigraphics V15
Previous SPECapcSM Benchmarks


Contents © Copyright 2001, Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation