SPECjbb2005 SPECjbb2005 bops = 49377, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 49377
Fujitsu Limited PRIMEPOWER850
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM on Solaris, version 1.5.0_05
Warehouses SPECjbb2005 bops Incl. in metric
1 10965
2 25332
3 37717
4 49282 *
5 49619 *
6 48928 *
7 49569 *
8 49486 *
SPECjbb2005 (from 4 to 8) 49377 SPECjbb2005 bops
SPEC license # 19 Tested by: Fujitsu Limited Test date: Dec 2, 2005

Hardware Vendor Fujitsu Limited
Vendor URL http://www.fujitsu.com
Processor SPARC64 V
MHz 2160
# of Chips 16
# of Cores 16
# of Cores/Chip 1
HW Threading Enabled? No
Procs Avail to Java 16
Memory (MB) 32768
Memory Details 64 x 512MB DIMMs
Primary cache 128KBI+128KBD
Secondary cache 4MB(I+D) on chip
Other cache  
Filesystem UFS
Disks 1 x 36GB SCSI (classes & OS)
Other hardware  
Software Vendor Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Vendor URL http:http://java.sun.com
JVM Version Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM on Solaris, version 1.5.0_05
JVM Command Line java -cp jbb.jar:check.jar -Xbatch -server -Xss128k -Xms3840m -Xmx3840m -Xmn2G -XX:+UseISM -XX:+AggressiveHeap spec.jbb.JBBmain -propfile SPECjbb.props id
JVM Initial Heap Memory (MB) 3940
JVM Maximum Heap Memory (MB) 3940
JVM Address bits 32
JVM BOOTCLASSPATH /export/home/specjbb/jre1.5.0_05/lib/rt.jar:
OS Version Solaris10 03/05
Other software  
Test Information
Tested by Fujitsu Limited
SPEC license # 19
Test location Kawasaki-shi,Japan
Test date Dec 2, 2005
H/w available Jan-2006
JVM available Sep-2005
OS available Mar-2005
Other s/w available  
AOT Compilation
/etc/system: set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=8589934592; set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=400; set tune_t_fsflushr=86400; set autoup=86400
Command line options are described at http://java.sun.com/docs/hotspot

Details of Runs

Warehouses Thrput Total heap (MB) Thread spread % % > 120s transaction type Count Time (in seconds)
SizeUsed totalmax
1 10965 3515 1847 <0.01% <0.01 new_order 144546 12.1 .123
payment 99710 4.95 .322
order_status 9971 .795 .162
delivery 9972 5.66 .056
stock_level 9972 .838 .052
cust_report 54875 4.91 .065
2 25332 3757 1247 .265% <0.01 new_order 333965 24.4 .229
payment 230368 8.71 .068
order_status 23037 1.19 <0.01
delivery 23038 12.8 .231
stock_level 23036 1.46 <0.01
cust_report 126763 10.3 .016
3 37717 3736 414 .595% <0.01 new_order 497146 37.1 .112
payment 342996 12.9 .031
order_status 34299 1.84 <0.01
delivery 34299 18.1 .120
stock_level 34299 2.23 <0.01
cust_report 188843 15.3 .119
4 49282 3821 1655 .117% <0.01 new_order 5196604 388 .292
payment 3584264 134 .060
order_status 358425 18.5 .016
delivery 358427 206 .193
stock_level 358424 23.6 .010
cust_report 1971925 166 .292
5 49619 3824 374 2.98% <0.01 new_order 5233377 488 1.18
payment 3608789 162 .981
order_status 360880 22.5 .442
delivery 360878 250 1.11
stock_level 360879 27.8 .919
cust_report 1984198 202 1.05
6 48928 3818 907 6.59% <0.01 new_order 5160082 558 2.83
payment 3558531 182 1.60
order_status 355853 25.5 .401
delivery 355852 291 2.16
stock_level 355853 29.2 .569
cust_report 1956985 229 2.19
7 49569 3812 1732 8.22% <0.01 new_order 5227518 657 2.92
payment 3605187 213 2.11
order_status 360516 37.9 2.44
delivery 360518 356 2.77
stock_level 360519 34.7 2.00
cust_report 1982839 272 3.00
8 49486 3811 981 8.53% <0.01 new_order 5218966 707 3.41
payment 3599091 249 3.64
order_status 359913 29.7 3.06
delivery 359910 417 3.33
stock_level 359909 58.4 2.44
cust_report 1979241 323 3.39

SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.05, July 6, 2005]
Reporting page, Copyright © 2005 SPEC. All rights reserved

First published at SPEC.org on 24-Jan-2006