SPECjbb2005 SPECjbb2005 bops = 21630, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 21630
Fujitsu Limited Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5440
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) 32-Bit Server VM on Solaris, version 1.6.0_06 Performance Release
Warehouses SPECjbb2005 bops Incl. in metric
1 3342
2 7635
3 10758
4 13499
5 15680
6 17990
7 19997
8 21885 *
9 21906 *
10 21707 *
11 21869 *
12 21822 *
13 21851 *
14 20481 *
15 21617 *
16 21531 *
SPECjbb2005 (from 8 to 16) 21630 SPECjbb2005 bops
SPEC license # 6 Tested by: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Test date: Sep 3, 2008

Hardware Vendor Fujitsu Limited
Vendor URL http://www.fujitsu.com
Model Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5440
Processor UltraSPARC T2 Plus
MHz 1414
# of Chips 4
# of Cores 32
# of Cores/Chip 8
HW Threading Enabled? Yes
Procs Avail to Java 256
Memory (MB) 131072
Memory Details 64 x 2GB DDR2 FBDIMMS
Primary cache 16KB(I)+8KB(D) per core
Secondary cache 4MB per chip
Other cache  
Filesystem UFS
Disks 2 x 146GB SAS
Other hardware  
Software Vendor Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.sun.com
JVM Version Java HotSpot(TM) 32-Bit Server VM on Solaris, version 1.6.0_06 Performance Release
JVM Command Line psrset -e processor set number priocntl -c FX -t 100 -e java -Xmx3g -Xms3g -Xmn2560m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:ParallelGCThreads=11 -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=256m -XX:AllocatePrefetchStyle=2 -classpath jbb.jar:check.jar spec.jbb.JBBmain -propfile SPECjbb.props -id JVM id
JVM Initial Heap Memory (MB) 3072
JVM Maximum Heap Memory (MB) 3072
JVM Address bits 32
JVM BOOTCLASSPATH /export/home/benchmarks/VMs/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/resources.jar:
OS Version Solaris 10 10/08
Other software  
Test Information
Tested by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
SPEC license # 6
Test location Burlington, MA
Test date Sep 3, 2008
H/w available Oct-2008
JVM available Jul-2008
OS available Oct-2008
Other s/w available  
AOT Compilation
Each JVM was placed in the FX priority class with the priocntl command.
31 JVMs were run in processor sets each containing one core.
1 JVM was run in the default set containing one core.
expected_peak_warehouse was set to 8.
The results were measured on the Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440.
The Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5440 and the Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440
are electronically equivalent.

Details of Runs

Warehouses Thrput Total heap (MB) Thread spread % % > 120s transaction type Count Time (in seconds)
SizeUsed totalmax
1 3342 2752 1422 <0.01% <0.01 new_order 44085 9.34 .869
payment 30387 5.43 .720
order_status 3039 .619 <0.01
delivery 3039 7.38 <0.01
stock_level 3038 .936 <0.01
cust_report 16690 4.97 <0.01
2 7635 2752 404 .463% <0.01 new_order 100650 17.8 .892
payment 69431 8.79 .198
order_status 6943 1.20 <0.01
delivery 6942 17.2 <0.01
stock_level 6943 3.12 .879
cust_report 38207 11.5 .197
3 10758 2752 513 2.27% <0.01 new_order 141868 25.5 <0.01
payment 97834 13.4 <0.01
order_status 9782 1.93 .266
delivery 9784 24.8 <0.01
stock_level 9782 2.63 <0.01
cust_report 53805 19.2 .267
4 13499 2905 1806 .620% <0.01 new_order 177974 33.9 .344
payment 122758 18.3 <0.01
order_status 12275 2.10 <0.01
delivery 12278 32.9 .347
stock_level 12275 3.42 <0.01
cust_report 67531 26.1 .345
5 15680 2921 1016 4.20% <0.01 new_order 206778 42.4 .252
payment 142592 22.9 .426
order_status 14259 2.58 <0.01
delivery 14261 39.8 .255
stock_level 14258 4.10 <0.01
cust_report 78407 33.7 .479
6 17990 2937 1082 .534% <0.01 new_order 237248 52.1 .201
payment 163593 27.4 .128
order_status 16359 3.11 <0.01
delivery 16361 46.3 .130
stock_level 16361 5.04 <0.01
cust_report 89935 40.5 .201
7 19997 2944 1761 3.90% <0.01 new_order 263646 61.2 .142
payment 181851 32.7 .142
order_status 18187 3.76 <0.01
delivery 18185 53.1 .141
stock_level 18184 5.70 <0.01
cust_report 100059 47.4 .143
8 21885 3014 2071 .428% .038 new_order 2308401 561 .154
payment 1592211 296 .153
order_status 159218 33.3 .093
delivery 159222 485 .156
stock_level 159219 52.4 .153
cust_report 875999 435 .150
9 21906 3038 1073 15.3% .039 new_order 2310526 637 .250
payment 1593804 336 .216
order_status 159380 35.0 .101
delivery 159382 541 .263
stock_level 159385 59.4 .191
cust_report 877114 489 .231
10 21707 3044 1663 19.0% .029 new_order 2290260 704 2.11
payment 1579141 374 2.11
order_status 157916 41.6 .191
delivery 157912 609 2.31
stock_level 157912 64.0 .251
cust_report 867988 538 2.11
11 21869 3042 2570 19.7% .021 new_order 2307550 776 .480
payment 1590829 409 .261
order_status 159084 44.5 .171
delivery 159083 669 .374
stock_level 159083 73.0 .201
cust_report 874134 589 .501
12 21822 3041 935 18.5% .066 new_order 2302189 838 .451
payment 1588091 449 .530
order_status 158809 50.8 .135
delivery 158811 728 .423
stock_level 158808 76.7 .527
cust_report 873978 654 .521
13 21851 3038 2049 24.8% .037 new_order 2305157 911 .640
payment 1589728 490 .661
order_status 158974 53.3 .371
delivery 158978 793 .643
stock_level 158972 84.6 .441
cust_report 874275 708 .581
14 20481 3034 560 9.51% <0.01 new_order 2159938 951 14.5
payment 1489558 492 .509
order_status 148957 55.1 .430
delivery 148956 854 14.8
stock_level 148952 101 14.9
cust_report 819162 802 14.4
15 21617 3032 1278 5.55% .029 new_order 2280348 1047 2.54
payment 1572633 567 3.13
order_status 157265 68.0 2.79
delivery 157267 902 2.75
stock_level 157263 101 2.63
cust_report 864895 809 2.57
16 21531 3029 1985 2.79% .059 new_order 2272815 1148 2.97
payment 1566832 602 2.81
order_status 156682 65.5 .984
delivery 156684 959 2.69
stock_level 156682 104 .991
cust_report 860850 850 3.15

SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006]
Reporting page, Copyright © 2005-2007 SPEC. All rights reserved

First published at SPEC.org on 23-Oct-2008