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SPEC OSG-CLOUD Result Calendar:

| SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 |

Result submission and final review dates are marked in blue, bold text. The current two-week result review cycle is marked in pale blue. Current month and date are marked in purple. The current date will be marked in red if it's a submission deadline/final review date.

Results must be successfully placed in the submissions queue prior to the beginning of the upcoming review cycle if they are to be reviewed during that period. Review cycles begin at 03:01 Eastern US Time (00:01 Pacific) on the days noted below.

Email result submissions are checked for basic syntax errors by the automated results processor upon receipt. If there are errors, the result is returned to the sender so it can be corrected and the submission reattempted; otherwise, the result is assigned a tracking number, inserted into the submissions queue, and acknowledgement of a successful submission is sent to the submitter via email. To enter the upcoming review cycle, a result must be successfully received at SPEC and assigned a tracking number prior to the submission deadline, otherwise it will be held for the following cycle.

Note on SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 and SPEC VIRT_SC Submission Review Cycles:
A new two-week review cycle begins for SPEC Cloud IaaS and SPEC VIRT_SC results each Wednesday at 3:01 AM Eastern US Time. A result received after the Wednesday deadline will begin its review on the following Wednesday (e.g. a submission received at 5:00 AM Eastern on Wednesday will enter review at 3:01 AM on the following Wednesday rather than being held for two weeks).

Result Publication
At the end of a review period, the responsible subcommittee will determine whether the result can be published on the SPEC web site. In some cases, results may be held pending actions. In some cases, SPEC will not publish a result due to run rule compliance issues. For more detail on the review process, see http://www.spec.org/osg/policy.html#s2.3.1.

Once OSG submissions complete their review and are considered accepted for publication at SPEC.org, they will be published (typically within one US business day) on www.spec.org with all the other results for the same benchmark. See http://www.spec.org/results.html for a listing of where results are published.

All results for currently supported benchmarks are tagged with the date that result was first published at SPEC.org. This tagging is commonly implemented as an "Originally published" string as part of the footer information on each result page. Note: not all result page formats support post-processed footer updates; however, at least the HTML format for each result does support this tagging. If no such date string is seen in a specific result file, check the HTML version of the same result. Several SPEC benchmarks have explicit rules based on a "Date Published" definitions, and in those cases the result file incorporates the "Date Published" into the main content of the result page rather than just included as part of the page footer.


    January 2023           February 2023           March 2023     
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30 31                                                             
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Generated: Sun Dec 31 00:01:01 EST 2023