SPEC Benchmark Specifications - 094.fpppp Fpppp is a double precision floating point FORTRAN benchmark. It is difficult to vectorize because it contains very large basic blocks. Fpppp is a quantum chemistry benchmark which measures perfor- mance on one style of computation (two electron integral derivative) which occurs in the GaussianXX series of pro- grams. It does very little I/O. The input to the program is the number of atoms. The amount of computation to be done is proportional to the fourth power of the number of atoms. Fpppp has been run on machines ranging from PC's to supercom- puters. A discussion of the algorithm implemented in fpppp may be found in an article by H.B.Schlegel, Journal of Chemi- cal Physics, volume 77, page 3676 (1982). H.B. Schlegel, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Elapsed time in seconds. Elapsed time. On most systems, the sum of system+user time should be very close to the elapsed time, as this benchmark does little I/O. The SPEC reference time (to 3 sig. fig.) is 9200 seconds. Emits a short table of floating point values and an integer count of the number of calls to FMTGEN. The floating point results should agree exactly except for a possible rounding error in the last place. The number of calls to FMTGEN may vary by 1 or 2 %. FORTRAN Many. See next section. Fpppp has run on Unix machines, VMS machines, and others in- cluding Macintosh and Cray XMP. Difficult if not impossible to vectorize. The executable should be well under 1MB. Optimized compila- tion may require substantial swap space (because of the large basic blocks). time ./fpppp < ./input.ref/natoms Floating point results should agree exactly except for a pos- sible rounding error in the last place. The number of calls to FMTGEN may vary by 1 or 2 %.