Hewlett Packard Enterprise Apollo XL225n Gen10 Plus SPECpower_ssj2008 = 15,574 overall ssj_ops/watt
Test Sponsor: Hewlett Packard Enterprise SPEC License #: 3 Test Method: Multi Node
Tested By: Hewlett Packard Enterprise Test Location: Houston, TX, USA Test Date: Feb 22, 2021
Hardware Availability: Mar-2021 Software Availability: Jan-2021 Publication: Mar 15, 2021
System Source: Single Supplier System Designation: Server Power Provisioning: Line-powered
Benchmark Results Summary
Target Load Average Active Power (W) Minimum Ambient Temperature (°C)
Calibration 1 1,128 23.1
Calibration 2 1,168 23.1
Calibration 3 1,167 23.0
100% 1,173 22.9
90% 1,094 22.9
80% 1,014 22.9
70% 932 22.8
60% 821 22.8
50% 724 22.8
40% 629 22.8
30% 545 22.8
20% 485 22.8
10% 431 22.9
Active Idle 257 23.0
Graph of power and temperature
Measurement Devices
Power Analyzer pwr1
Hardware Vendor: Yokogawa
Model: WT210
Serial Number: 91GB47169
Connectivity: GPIB vi NI GPIB-USB-HS
Input Connection: Default
Metrology Institute: NIST
Accredited by: TRANSCAT
Calibration Label: 5-FQ7PK-180-1
Date of Calibration: 17-Jun-2020
PTDaemon Host System: same as CCS
PTDaemon Host OS: same as CCS
PTDaemon Version: 1.9.2-3976349f-20201208
Setup Description: SUT connected to Power Supply 1
Power Analyzer pwr2
Hardware Vendor: Yokogawa
Model: WT210
Serial Number: 91GB47167
Connectivity: GPIB vi NI GPIB-USB-HS
Input Connection: Default
Metrology Institute: NIST
Accredited by: TRANSCAT
Calibration Label: 5-FQ7PK-20-1
Date of Calibration: 15-Jun-2020
PTDaemon Host System: same as CCS
PTDaemon Host OS: same as CCS
PTDaemon Version: 1.9.2-3976349f-20201208
Setup Description: SUT connected to Power Supply 2
Temperature Sensor temp1
Hardware Vendor: Digi International Inc.
Model: Watchport/H
Driver Version:
Connectivity: USB
PTDaemon Host System: same as CCS
PTDaemon Host OS: same as CCS
Setup Description: 5 mm in front of SUT main intake
Power Details for Device pwr1
Target Load Voltage (V) Current (A) Avg Power Factor Avg Active Power (W) Power Measurement Uncertainty (%)
Avg Range Avg Range
Calibration 1 212 300.0 2.76 5.0 0.988 578 0.4%
Calibration 2 212 300.0 2.85 5.0 0.989 598 0.4%
Calibration 3 212 300.0 2.85 5.0 0.989 597 0.4%
100% 212 300.0 2.86 5.0 0.989 600 0.4%
90% 212 300.0 2.68 5.0 0.988 562 0.4%
80% 212 300.0 2.49 5.0 0.985 521 0.5%
70% 213 300.0 2.30 5.0 0.982 480 0.5%
60% 213 300.0 2.04 5.0 0.980 425 0.5%
50% 213 300.0 1.82 5.0 0.975 378 0.6%
40% 213 300.0 1.61 5.0 0.969 332 0.7%
30% 213 300.0 1.42 2.0 0.961 291 0.4%
20% 213 300.0 1.28 2.0 0.951 259 0.4%
10% 213 300.0 1.14 2.0 0.938 228 0.5%
Active Idle 213 300.0 0.787 2.0 0.849 143 0.7%
Power details for pwr1
Power Details for Device pwr2
Target Load Voltage (V) Current (A) Avg Power Factor Avg Active Power (W) Power Measurement Uncertainty (%)
Avg Range Avg Range
Calibration 1 212 300.0 2.63 5.0 0.986 550 0.5%
Calibration 2 212 300.0 2.73 5.0 0.987 571 0.4%
Calibration 3 212 300.0 2.72 5.0 0.987 570 0.4%
100% 212 300.0 2.74 5.0 0.987 573 0.4%
90% 212 300.0 2.55 5.0 0.985 533 0.5%
80% 212 300.0 2.37 5.0 0.982 494 0.5%
70% 212 300.0 2.18 5.0 0.979 452 0.5%
60% 213 300.0 1.91 5.0 0.975 396 0.6%
50% 213 300.0 1.68 5.0 0.969 346 0.6%
40% 213 300.0 1.46 5.0 0.959 297 0.7%
30% 213 300.0 1.26 2.0 0.945 254 0.5%
20% 213 300.0 1.14 2.0 0.933 226 0.5%
10% 213 300.0 1.03 2.0 0.919 202 0.5%
Active Idle 213 300.0 0.672 2.0 0.795 114 0.8%
Power details for pwr2