Product Support > SPECvirt_sc2013

Error during post run step SPECvirt2013


Dear spec members,

I am contacting you regarding an issue with SPECvirt2013 once the run is finished, and more precisely during the post run step.
The issue appears even if no validation reports are detected.
I have increased the logs verbosity to 6, but I can’t understand where the issue is.

As per in the nohup file, I have 2 errors a the end after the validation of the results:

 2014-06-16 18:05:57:625 [ERROR] Received abort signal from specclient4:1098. Terminating.
2014-06-16 18:05:57:625 [ERROR] Received abort signal from specclient5:1098. Terminating.

I have attached my logs of the clients, and Control config as well as the nohup output.

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards


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