Hi Andy,
thank you for you reply,
I can get 1 tile run pass
when i get 1 tile run pass, i assumed that the DB data is already health, am i right?
the atomicity test i am running is
http://specdelivery:9080/SPECjAppServer/app?action=atomicityTestsfor tile1, i can get all three items pass, but 2 3 4, first two item pass, and the last fail.
then i do a test, if i poweroff the appserver1, then i run automicityTests on appserver2, it will all three item pass.....then i power on and start websphere, appserver1 fail on item three, appserver2 still all three item pass.
i also do another test, start the appserver2 first, appserver 1, 3 ,4 later, appserver2 is normal, and 1 3 4 automicity test item 3 fail