Author Topic: SPECjApp w/ Websphere and DB2 dbload issue  (Read 13924 times)


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SPECjApp w/ Websphere and DB2 dbload issue
« on: November 20, 2019, 03:51:04 AM »
I am using websphere and DB2 on SPECjAPPserver
when i run 500 4 in /opt/SPECjAppserver/bin to generate the Db data

in Appserver1 run automicity test, all 3 test items are PASS, run 1 tile also valid.
but in Appserver 2 3 4, the automicity test, the test item 1, 2 are pass, 3 is fail

when i run the specvirt, only tile1 is normal, app2 app3 app4 seems no valid responding....why?

how to solve this problem? thanks!


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Re: SPECjApp w/ Websphere and DB2 dbload issue
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2019, 01:41:34 PM »
Hey Reggiesun,

I'm sorry you are having issues getting tiles 2-4 going.

A couple of questions.
1. If you run a single tile test everything works fine?
2. When you mentioned running the atomicity tests are you referring to running them via the curl command outlined in the technical support FAQ?

One of the best ways to validate whether the appserver and related db server are working correctly and get a better understanding of what type of error might be happening is to run manual transactions through the appserver web interface.  You would need to bring up a web browser and bring up the appserver application web page.  Then enter some manual transactions through the web ui to see if they are completed correctly.  This would help validate whether the db access in tiles 2-4 is working correctly. 



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Re: SPECjApp w/ Websphere and DB2 dbload issue
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2019, 07:37:00 PM »
Hi Andy,
thank you for you reply,
I can get 1 tile  run pass
when i get 1 tile run pass, i assumed that the DB data is already health, am i right?

the atomicity test i am running is
curl http://specdelivery:9080/SPECjAppServer/app?action=atomicityTests
for tile1, i can get all three items pass, but 2 3 4, first two item pass, and the last fail.

then i do a test, if i poweroff the appserver1, then i run automicityTests on appserver2, it will all three item pass.....then i power on and start websphere, appserver1 fail on item three, appserver2 still all three item pass.

i also do another test, start the appserver2 first, appserver 1, 3 ,4 later,  appserver2 is normal, and 1 3 4 automicity test item 3 fail
« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 09:30:39 PM by reggiesun »


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Re: SPECjApp w/ Websphere and DB2 dbload issue
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2019, 01:28:20 AM »
hey , can anyone tell me if there is a user guide for set up the app/db with WebSphere and DB2 ?thanks in advance


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Re: SPECjApp w/ Websphere and DB2 dbload issue
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2019, 03:39:26 AM »
from the SystemOut.log, i saw that because all the appserver 2 3 4 are cloned by appserver1

[11/21/19 2:20:12:337 EST] 00000058 SibMessage    I   [appserverNode01:appserverNode01.server1-appserverNode01] CWSIS1593I: The messaging engine, ME_UUID=DB6CA71846112E6C, INC_UUID=0C7D7FB78CD50A19, has failed to gain an initial lock on the data store.

seems all ME_UUID are the same, is that the root cause of conflict?

how can I modify it?


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Re: SPECjApp w/ Websphere and DB2 dbload issue
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2019, 11:16:48 PM »
Hey Sorcier,

Unfortunately, there is no published user guide for setting up WebSphere and DB2 for this benchmark.  We do provide an example configuration using Glassfish and PostgreSQL.  You can find those scripts posted in this forum as one of the sticky posts at the top of the main forum page.

If you definitely want to try and use WebSphere and DB2 then you could look at one of the published benchmarks that used that set of software to see how you might configure them.  However, there will not be step by step directions to set it up.

I hope this helps,


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Re: SPECjApp w/ Websphere and DB2 dbload issue
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2019, 11:44:27 PM »
Hey Reggiesun,

That latest error you posted and the output file it came from appear to be from Websphere.  That might be pointing at the issue since you are cloning.  However, I've never used WebSphere nor DB2 so I will not be able to help you debug that.   Especially since right now it doesn't look like an issue with the benchmark harness.



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Re: SPECjApp w/ Websphere and DB2 dbload issue
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2020, 02:02:59 AM »
I am using websphere and DB2 on SPECjAPPserver
when i run mcdvoice 500 4 in /opt/SPECjAppserver/bin to generate the Db data

in Appserver1 run automicity test, all 3 test items are PASS, run 1 tile also valid.
but in Appserver 2 3 4, the automicity test, the test item 1, 2 are pass, 3 is fail

when I run the specvirt, only tile1 is normal, app2 app3 app4 seems no valid responding....why?

how to solve this problem? thanks!

I am having the same problem. Any proper solution?
« Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 12:31:02 AM by Masteroid96 »


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Re: SPECjApp w/ Websphere and DB2 dbload issue
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2021, 05:30:19 AM »
I am using websphere and DB2 on SPECjAPPserver
when i run 500 4 in /opt/SPECjAppserver/bin to generate the Db data

in Appserver1 run automicity test, all 3 test items are PASS, run 1 Official Site also valid.
but in Appserver 2 3 4, the automicity test, the test item 1, 2 are pass, 3 is fail

when i run the specvirt, only tile1 is normal, app2 app3 app4 seems no valid responding....why?

how to solve this problem? thanks!

Did you have a fix on this issue? Facing same issue but no response from anyone.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2021, 11:52:31 PM by Gary4790 »


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Re: SPECjApp w/ Websphere and DB2 dbload issue
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2021, 03:08:17 PM »
You need to point appservers 2, 3, and 4 to dbserver1. Are your /etc/hosts files correct?

For example:

appserver1: dbserver1 dbserver specdb appserver1 appserver

appserver2: dbserver1 dbserver specdb appserver2 appserver

appserver3: dbserver1 dbserver specdb appserver3 appserver

appserver4: dbserver1 dbserver specdb appserver4 appserver

appserver5: dbserver5 dbserver specdb appserver5 appserver

appserver6: dbserver5 dbserver specdb appserver6 appserver