jAppInitRstr.sh for appserver1 (restores dbserver1)
jAppInit.sh for appserver2, 3 (without restore) (Can these all be run concurrently?)
webInit.sh for each of webserver 1,2,3 (assume all can be concurrent)
batchInit.sh for each of batchserver 1,2,3 (assume all can be concurrent)
mailInitRstr.sh for each of mailserver 1,2,3 (assume all can be concurrent)
Yes, these are run across the different clients simultaneously. Since the dbserver restore only occurs on vclient1, it'll take longer than the other three workloads. But the harness waits until all INIT scripts are finished running before continuing.
Do all VMs need to be rebooted before each run?
This is not a requirement and is up to you - depends on your measurement requirements.
Regarding the problem with hostname=specvirt-controller, does this happen if you don't use a - in the hostname?