Hi, Now I set WORKLOAD_LOAD_LEVEL[1]=500, the result is still something error:
[root@client1 SPECvirt]# tail -70 primectrl.out
0,0,2017-09-12 14:58:58:032,36398,10.0,35428,10.0,74389,10.0,388657,7.25
0,1,2017-09-12 14:58:58:023,243904,243841,0,63,111456794488,1296346276,219810,14840,9191,259,391583,10
0,2,2017-09-12 14:58:58:023,513419,435919,77500,0,1253548202,0,35483
0,3,2017-09-12 14:58:58:022,1,715,1,0,26,3040,715,0
0,0,2017-09-12 14:59:08:032,36493,10.0,35501,10.0,74530,10.0,388889,7.25
0,1,2017-09-12 14:59:08:024,244240,244177,0,63,111569524905,1297613194,220133,14852,9192,259,391583,10
0,2,2017-09-12 14:59:08:024,514055,436502,77553,0,1254389601,0,35483
0,3,2017-09-12 14:59:08:022,1,716,1,0,26,3041,716,0
0,0,2017-09-12 14:59:18:031,36539,10.0,35577,10.0,74559,10.0,389200,7.25
0,1,2017-09-12 14:59:18:024,244590,244527,0,63,111751904747,1299481555,220482,14853,9192,259,391583,10
0,2,2017-09-12 14:59:18:024,514848,437093,77755,0,1256951286,0,35483
0,3,2017-09-12 14:59:18:022,1,717,1,0,26,3042,717,0
0,0,2017-09-12 14:59:28:030,36628,10.0,35661,10.0,74767,10.0,389510,7.25
0,1,2017-09-12 14:59:28:024,244870,244807,0,63,111916854639,1301179513,220762,14853,9192,259,391583,10
0,2,2017-09-12 14:59:28:024,515618,437730,77888,0,1257989336,0,35483
0,3,2017-09-12 14:59:28:022,1,718,2,0,26,3044,718,0
0,0,2017-09-12 14:59:38:031,36708,10.0,35741,10.0,74865,10.0,389832,7.25
0,1,2017-09-12 14:59:38:024,245215,245152,0,63,112034351619,1302531274,221081,14878,9193,259,391583,10
0,2,2017-09-12 14:59:38:024,516376,438408,77968,0,1258743364,0,35483
0,3,2017-09-12 14:59:38:022,1,719,1,0,26,3045,719,0
2017-09-12 14:59:47:991 PrimeControl: client1:1092 (PRIME_HOST[0][3]) run complete; numStarted = 3
2017-09-12 14:59:48:015 PrimeControl: stopping result polling.
2017-09-12 14:59:48:015 PrimeControl: waiting for all workloads to stop...
2017-09-12 14:59:48:059 PrimeControl: client1:1094 (PRIME_HOST[0][2]) run complete; numStarted = 2
2017-09-12 14:59:56:446 PrimeControl: client1:1098 (PRIME_HOST[0][0]) run complete; numStarted = 1
2017-09-12 14:59:58:015 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:00:13:016 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:00:28:017 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:00:43:017 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:00:58:018 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:01:13:018 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:01:28:019 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:01:43:019 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:01:58:020 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:02:13:020 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:02:28:021 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:02:43:021 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-12 15:02:56:531 PrimeControl: client1:1096 (PRIME_HOST[0][1]) run complete; numStarted = 0
2017-09-12 15:02:56:531 PrimeControl: all workloads stopped
2017-09-12 15:02:56:579 Workload validation errors reported!:
0-1-0 = Iteration 1 failed 95% TIME GOOD QoS. Achieved: 90.1%
0-1-1 = Iteration 1 failed 99% TIME TOLERABLE QoS. Achieved: 96.2%
0-0-0 = Dealer 90% Response Time FAILED
0-0-1 = Dealer Avg. Response Time FAILED
0-0-2 = Purchase Cycle Time Avg. FAILED
0-0-3 = Manage Cycle Time Avg. FAILED
0-0-4 = Browse Cycle Time Avg. FAILED
0-0-5 = Vehicle Purchasing Rate FAILED
0-0-6 = Largeorder Vehicle Purchase Rate FAILED
0-0-7 = Regular Vehicle Purchase Rate FAILED
0-0-8 = LargeOrderLine Vehicle Rate FAILED
0-0-9 = PlannedLines Vehicle Rate FAILED
0-0-10 = Manufacturing 90% Response Time FAILED
2017-09-12 15:02:56:599 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-12 15:02:56:601 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-12 15:02:56:609 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-12 15:02:56:724 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-12 15:02:56:724 PrimeControl: validating aggregate audit...
2017-09-12 15:02:58:842 PrimeControl: stopping clients.
2017-09-12 15:02:58:842 PrimeControl: stopping remote client processes
2017-09-12 15:03:00:852 PrimeControl: stopping local client threads
> Loading Raw Result File..
2017-09-12 15:03:00:934 PrimeControl: terminating run. Please wait...
2017-09-12 15:03:01:940 specvirt: Done!
And I find there are many ERROR in Clientmgr1_1088.out
Following it the log (also perf.html in it), thanks.