HI, I rerun , but it fail again
Because This time I set DEBUG_LEVEL=1, So no show ( [ERROR] wclient1:1096 (PRIME_HOST[0][1]) msec after pollStart: 9223372036854775807) this time
[root@client1 SPECvirt]# cat primectrl.out
2017-09-21 23:31:37:417 Thu Sep 21 23:31:37 CST 2017
2017-09-21 23:31:37:471 RMI server started: client1:9990
2017-09-21 23:31:37:478 [INFO] This is a perf-only benchmark run. Skipping active idle polling interval.
2017-09-21 23:31:37:478 PrimeControl: preparing client drivers.
2017-09-21 23:31:37:555 PrimeControl: starting clients...
2017-09-21 23:31:37:555 PrimeControl: starting clients...
2017-09-21 23:31:37:581 PrimeControl: PTDs not used for this benchmark run!
2017-09-21 23:31:37:582 PrimeControl: starting 4 masters.
2017-09-21 23:35:23:263 PrimeControl: waiting on 4 prime client(s).
2017-09-21 23:35:24:287 setting hostsReady = true
2017-09-21 23:37:39:554 PrimeControl: Workload and prime controller builds: 80
2017-09-21 23:37:51:347 specvirt: clock sync check completed successfully
2017-09-21 23:37:51:348 specvirt: initiating workload ramp-up.
2017-09-21 23:37:51:348 Polling start time = Thu Sep 21 23:57:52 CST 2017
2017-09-21 23:37:51:348 Polling end time = Fri Sep 22 01:57:52 CST 2017
2017-09-21 23:42:53:126 PrimeControl: all workloads started.
2017-09-21 23:57:54:348 [ERROR] wclient1:1096 (PRIME_HOST[0][1]) failed to enter run phase before start of polling interval!
2017-09-21 23:57:54:349 PrimeControl: [ERROR] one or more workloads failed to start runtime before start of polling interval. Aborting.
2017-09-21 23:57:54:349 PrimeControl: sending abortTest() to prime clients.
2017-09-21 23:58:15:726 PrimeControl: stopping remote client processes
2017-09-21 23:58:17:732 PrimeControl: stopping local client threads
2017-09-21 23:58:17:733 PrimeControl: [ERROR] startMasters() failed!
2017-09-21 23:58:17:733 PrimeControl: terminating run. Please wait...
2017-09-21 23:58:18:738 specvirt: benchmark run failed!
2017-09-21 23:58:18:738 specvirt: Done!
[root@wclient1 SPECvirt]# tail -100 Clientmgr1_1096.out
-> Checking keyname:FILE_4_DATA with value: bar,60,0.8for compliance.
-> Checking keyname:CLASS_6_DIST with value: 0.100for compliance.
-> Checking keyname:FILE_2_DATA with value: ccc,34,0.66for compliance.
-> Checking keyname:FILE_31_DATA with value: H_Service_Tag_Unkown,2170,0.0for compliance.
-> Checking keyname:ITERATIONS with value: 1for compliance.
-> Checking keyname:DYN_CMD_0_EXPECTED_PCT with value: 8.1072for compliance.
-> Checking keyname:IGNORE_WPD_ERRORS with value: 0for compliance.
-> Checking keyname:TIME_TOLERABLE with value: 5000for compliance.
-> Checking keyname:THINK_INTERVAL with value: 1for compliance.
-> Checking keyname:MARKER_FREQ with value: 4096for compliance.
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:868 SpecwebControl: Setting client overthink time allowed to 72 sec.
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:870 SpecwebControl: **** SPECweb2005 benchmark started
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:870 SpecwebControl: Not a multi-load or multi-step run..
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:873 SpecwebControl: * Running SPECweb_Support workload
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:873 SpecwebControl: wclient1:1010 has 2500 connections.(3)
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:873 Configuration: Clearing workload.
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:874 SpecwebControl: Adding workload(s)...
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:874 Configuration: Adding workload 0
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:877 RemoteLoadGen: Total clients: 1
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:878 RemoteLoadGen: Adding host wclient1:1010
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:895 SPECweb_Support: Entered primeClientInit()
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:902 HttpRequestSched: server: webserver; port: 80; Web server init() command:
-> GET /support/init.php?BESIM_HOST=infraserver&BESIM_PORT=81&BESIM_URI=/fcgi-bin/besim_fcgi.fcgi&BESIM_PERSISTENT=false&PADDING_DIR=/var/www/html/support/dynamic_padding/&SMARTY_DIR=/var/www/html/Smarty-2.6.26/libs/&SMARTY_SUPPORT_DIR=/var/www/html/support/&SEND_CONTENT_LENGTH=true HTTP/1.1
-> Accept: */*
-> Host: webserver
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:909 HttpRequestSched: Web server init command response:
-> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-> Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 15:35:22 GMT
-> Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
-> X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.3
-> Content-Length: 538
-> Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
-> <html>
-> <head>
-> <title>SPECweb2005 Support Workload Init</title>
-> </head>
-> <body>
-> <P>SERVER_SOFTWARE = Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)</P>
-> <P>SCRIPT_NAME = /support/init.php</P>
-> <P>QUERY_STRING = BESIM_HOST=infraserver&BESIM_PORT=81&BESIM_URI=/fcgi-bin/besim_fcgi.fcgi&BESIM_PERSISTENT=false&PADDING_DIR=/var/www/html/support/dynamic_padding/&SMARTY_DIR=/var/www/html/Smarty-2.6.26/libs/&SMARTY_SUPPORT_DIR=/var/www/html/support/&SEND_CONTENT_LENGTH=true</P>
-> <P>SERVER_TIME = 1506008122000</P>
-> </body>
-> </html>
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:910 HttpRequestSched: Server time is: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 15:35:22 GMT
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:910 HttpRequestSched: Server date is: 2017-09-21
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:910 HttpRequestSched: condGetReq: If-Modified-Since: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 15:35:22 GMT
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:910 SPECweb_Support: LOAD = 2500
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:25:910 HttpRequestSched: BeSim init() command:
-> GET /fcgi-bin/besim_fcgi.fcgi?3&0&1506009035&2500 HTTP/1.1
-> Accept: */*
-> Host: infraserver
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:27:420 HttpRequestSched: Besim init command response:
-> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-> Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 15:35:23 GMT
-> Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
-> Cache-control: no-store
-> Content-Length: 306
-> Connection: close
-> Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
-> <html>
-> <head><title>SPECweb2005 BESIM</title></head>
-> <body>
-> <p>SERVER_SOFTWARE = Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
-> <p>SCRIPT_NAME = /fcgi-bin/besim_fcgi.fcgi
-> <p>QUERY_STRING = 3&0&1506009035&2500
-> <pre>
-> 0
-> DONE ResetDate = 20170921, Time=1506009035,Load=2500,SL=25
-> </pre>
-> </body></html>
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:27:423 RemoteLoadGen: Initializing clients...
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:34:458 RemoteLoadGen: setting client tile ID to 0
-> 2017-09-21 23:35:34:577 SpecwebControl: Waiting for SPECvirt start signal.
-> 2017-09-21 23:37:53:457 sleeping for 1 seconds.
-> 2017-09-21 23:37:54:458 SpecwebControl: *** Starting Iteration 1 of 1
-> 2017-09-21 23:37:54:458 RemoteLoadGen: 300-second ramp-up starting.
-> 2017-09-21 23:37:54:458 RemoteLoadGen: Setting load to 2500
-> 2017-09-21 23:42:55:231 RemoteLoadGen: Finished starting clients.
-> 2017-09-21 23:42:55:235 SpecwebControl: Warming up for 900 seconds.
-> 2017-09-21 23:57:55:238 SpecwebControl: Clearing results.
-> 2017-09-21 23:57:56:460 Received abort signal from prime controller. Terminating.
-> 2017-09-21 23:57:56:462 SpecwebControl: Terminating run. Please wait...
-> 2017-09-21 23:58:00:053 SpecwebControl: Starting 7200-second runtime.
-> 2017-09-21 23:58:00:065 RemoteLoadGen: stopping client wclient1:1010; abort=true
-> 2017-09-21 23:58:17:512 SpecwebControl: Stopping remote clients.