Product Support > SPECvirt_sc2013

UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available

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The script documentation states that the goal of the scripts is to set up a single tile. We're glad to hear you were successful. I considered writing a script to automate this, but since you're in a hurry, we wrote up the steps instead.

To clone a tile, you need to do the following.

* Change the hostname (/etc/sysconfig/network) and IP addresses (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-eth1).
* Delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules if it exists.
* Edit the hosts file (/etc/hosts) to reflect the new hostname and IP addresses.
* Reboot the VM. Log in and make sure you can ping other VMs.
Extra for appserver:

* Edit the hosts file (/etc/hosts) to make sure that the alias specdb points to the correct dbserver (up to four appservers for each dbserver). That is, the specdb alias for appserver1-4 points to dbserver1-int. The specdb alias for appserver5-8 points to dbserver2-int.
Extra for infraserver:

* Edit /etc/exports to change the tile number for webserver.
Extra for webserver:

* Edit /etc/fstab to change the tile number for infraserver. (You may want to use a VM internal network for this mount if available.)
* Make sure that the support/downloads directory is mounted from the infraserver VM via NFS.
* Go to the /opt/SPECweb2005/wafgen directory and edit the support wafgen files to set the TILEINDEX value for the tile you are creating:

* Edit /opt/SPECweb2005/wafgen/unix/support_downloads_props.rc and set the parameter TILEINDEX equal to the tile number minus 1 (for example, set TILEINDEX=1 for tile 2).
* Edit /opt/SPECweb2005/wafgen/unix/support_image_props.rc and set the parameter TILEINDEX equal to the tile number minus 1 (for example, set TILEINDEX=1 for tile 2)
* Build the image files: ./Wafgen unix/support_image_props.rc
* Build the support files: ./Wafgen unix/support_downloads_props.rc

The Dovecot Download link ( in the Setup Guide isn't valid any more because the Server is down.
As a workaround I used

Thanks for letting us know.

As far as I can tell, mod_fastcgi is no longer under active development or maintenance.  All the links for it in the documentation are broken.  Can we expect changes to the example VM setup for mod_proxy_fcgi?

We provide mod_fastcgi with the SPECvirt kit under SPECweb2005/BeSim/fcgi-2.4.0.

We'll correct the documentation.


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