Author Topic: How to configure storage when more than 25 storages on windows platform  (Read 5111 times)


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As SERT 2 user guide:
“For multiple drives, drives should be partitioned as follows:
o First drive: OS partition(s) and one SERT Data partition (min. 20 GB)
o Any additional drive: SERT Data drive (entire drive capacity)
RAID arrays of more than one device are not allowed, i.e. each individual storage device must be configured as JBOD or a single disk RAID 0 array.”
So, if we have 4 storage, shall have 5 partitions.
But when we have more than 25 storage installed in server, some partition can't be created on Windows platform beacuse of only 26 partitions allowed on windows platform.
How to configure the storage in SERT 2 for server with more than 25 storage on windows platform?


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Hi Jarey,

  This is a known limitation of Windows in conjunction with our Storage workload.  You might experiment with Windows Volume Mount Points as a possible workaround, but the SERT team has not validated this as something that will work yet.   

Thank You,
