The GPC News


Information Request/Order Form

If you would like to discuss your order with SPEC, please contact Kathy Powers: Tel: 703-331-0180, Fax: 703-331-0181, e-mail:

Please send my order to:





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Country Postal Code

Telephone FAX


SPECviewperf, SPECglperf, SPECapc for SolidWorks 98Plus, SPECapc for PRO/ENGINEER Rev.20, and the Xmark93 script may be obtained by anonymous ftp.

I would like to order the following products/issues (please enter quantities):

CD-ROM containing SPECviewperf, SPECglperf, SPECapc for SolidWorks 98Plus, and SPECapc for PRO/ENGINEER Rev.20 -- $20 for shipping and handling

GPC Group Sustaining Membership Information (Complimentary)

GPC Group Non-Profit Membership Information (Complimentary)

PEXlib Port of Picture-Level Benchmark -- $300
The PEXlib Port of Picture-Level benchmark can also be obtained via anonymous ftp

OpenGL Port of Picture-Level Benchmark -- $300
The OpenGL Port of Picture-Level benchmark can also be obtained via anonymous ftp

Benchmark Interface Format (BIF) Specification only -- $25
The BIF Specification can also be obtained via anonymous ftp.

The GPC Group no longer publishes current paper issues of the GPC News. The following past issues can still be ordered:

Q4'97 -- $50
Q3'97 -- $50
Q2'97 -- $50
Q1'97 -- $50
Q4'96 -- $50
Q3'96 -- $50
Q2'96 -- $50
Q1'96 -- $50
Q4'95 -- $50
Q3'95 -- $50
Q2'95 -- $50
Q1'95 -- $50
Q4'94 -- $50
Q3'94 -- $50
Q2'94 -- $50
Q1'94 -- $50
Q4'93 -- $25
Q3'93 -- $25
Q2'93 -- $25
Q1'93 -- $25
Q4'92 -- $10
Q3'92 -- $10
Q2'92 -- $10
Q1'92 -- $10
Q4'91 -- $10
Spring 1991 issue: Complimentary
Summer 1991 issue: Complimentary