The benchmark comprises 17 tests. Startup and initialization time is measured, but given no weight (0.0) within the composite score for the benchmark.
There are 16 graphics tests, each of which measures a different rendering mode or features. The first three graphics tests measure wireframe performance using the entire model. The next four measure different aspects of shaded performance, using the same model. Each of these tests executes exactly the same sequence of 3D transformations to provide a direct comparison of different rendering modes.
The next four tests use a subassembly, and compare the two FASTHLR modes, the default shading mode, and shaded with edges. These tests also execute a common sequence of 3D transformations. The last five graphics tests use two different instances of the model - the first three without its outer skins (to illustrate the effect of FASTHLR and level-of-detail operations), and the last two to illustrate complex lighting modes and surface curvature display.
The last test is an aggregate of all time not accounted for by the previous 16 tests, and is a mix of CPU and graphics operations.
Scores are generated for all 17 tests. Composite numbers are provided for each set of graphics tests (shaded, sub-assembly, wireframe and other) and there is an overall composite score for graphics and CPU operations. Start-up and initiation time is not included in the composite score.
Determining the Score
Much like SPECint and SPECfp benchmarks, the numbers in SPEC/GPC's Pro/ENGINEER Version 20 benchmark are ratios, comparing the machine under test to a reference machine. Using this methodology, larger scores are better. Specifications for the reference machine are listed below:
AccelECLIPSE graphics board (AGP)
Two 300 MHz Pentium(r) II processors
Intel(r) DK400LX motherboard
512 MB memory
Windows NT 4.0 SP3
Seagate Barracuda GB SCSI disk
The reference machine has a score of 1.0. With the ratio scoring method used in the benchmark, a score of 2.0 represents twice the performance, or half the execution time, of the reference machine. Like other SPEC benchmarks, the overall score for the SPEC/GPC Pro/ENGINEER Version 20 benchmark is the geometric mean of the multiple tests. In this case, there are 17 components to the total score. Test component "0", the startup and initiation time, is reported but does not contribute to the composite score.
For those running the benchmark themselves, the scoring program prints out a table listing the elapsed time, the reference time, the ratio for each test, and the final scores.
User Requirements
Users must have a 3D graphics display device recognized by Pro/ENGINEER in order to run the benchmark. A fully licensed, released version of Pro/ENGINEER is required. If a floating license is used, the workstation's network must be configured as documented in the Pro/ENGINEER installation guide.
SPEC/GPC's Pro/ENGINEER benchmark is available for free downloading in both Windows and
UNIX versions.