SPECjbb2000 SPECjbb2000 = 85832 ops/s
Tyan Computer Corporation S4882-D
IBM Corporation IBM J2RE 1.4.2 (32-bit) Windows 32 build cn142-20040926 (JIT enabled: jitc)

Warehouses Ops/s Incl. in metric
1 41359
2 85948
3 86033 *
4 85930 *
5 85652 *
6 85714 *
7 85300
8 85448
SPECjbb2000 (from 3 to 6) 85832 ops/s

SPEC license # 49 Tested by: Advanced Micro Devices Test date: Apr 1, 2005

Hardware Vendor Tyan Computer Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.tyan.com
Model S4882-D
Processor AMD Opteron 270
MHz 2000
# of Procs 2 cores, 1 chip, 2 cores/chip
Memory (MB) 2048
Primary cache 64KBI+64KBD
Secondary cache 2MB (1MB/core) on chip
Other cache  
Filesystem NTFS
Disks 1 x 82GB IDE (OS+Data+Paging+Classes)
Other hardware  
Software Vendor IBM Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com
Java Precompiler Version  
Java Precompiler Command Line  
Java Precompiler Way Of Excluding Classes  
JVM Version IBM J2RE 1.4.2 (32-bit) Windows 32 build cn142-20040926 (JIT enabled: jitc)
JVM Command Line java -Xms1500m -Xmx1500m -Xj9 -Xlp spec.jbb.JBBmain -propfile SPECjbb.props
JVM Initial Heap Memory (MB) 1500
JVM Maximum Heap Memory (MB) 1500
JVM CLASSPATH .\jbb.jar;
JVM BOOTCLASSPATH c:\IBMJDK142\jre\lib\jclSC14\classes.zip;
OS Version Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
System state normal
Other software  
Test Information
Tested by Advanced Micro Devices
SPEC license # 49
Test location Austin, TX
Test date Apr 1, 2005
H/w available May-2005
JVM available Dec-2004
OS available Apr-2004
Other s/w available  
Using the local security settings console, "lock pages in memory" was enabled for the user running the benchmark.
Memory node interleaving was enabled in the BIOS.
SUT requires a Tyan S4882-D motherboard, 2GB of PC3200 memory (4 x 512MB DIMMs), a Hitachi HDS722580VLAT20 IDE disk, an SSI-MEB form-factor case, and an Enermax EG851AX(W)-VH power supply.

Details of Runs

Warehouses Thrput Total heap (MB) Thread spread % % > 120s transaction type Count Time (in seconds)
SizeUsed totalmax
1 41359 1500 33.3 <0.01% .013 new_order 2158131 57.8 .063
payment 2158132 25.2 .078
order_status 215812 2.70 .016
delivery 215812 8.03 .016
stock_level 215813 12.9 .078
2 85948 1500 56.0 1.32% .013 new_order 4484869 126 .094
payment 4484861 54.3 .094
order_status 448487 6.26 .016
delivery 448486 16.7 .078
stock_level 448487 27.3 .094
3 86033 1500 75.3 30.9% .013 new_order 4489265 187 .297
payment 4489270 85.4 .188
order_status 448929 10.0 .125
delivery 448927 26.1 .234
stock_level 448928 37.1 .171
4 85930 1500 93.0 11.6% .013 new_order 4483839 254 .313
payment 4483840 111 .297
order_status 448382 11.6 .203
delivery 448385 34.0 .204
stock_level 448384 51.6 .250
5 85652 1500 112 30.5% .013 new_order 4469361 318 .406
payment 4469362 141 .437
order_status 446937 14.9 .406
delivery 446936 38.7 .297
stock_level 446934 63.2 .328
6 85714 1500 131 2.12% <0.01 new_order 4472053 385 .500
payment 4472059 175 .437
order_status 447204 19.1 .204
delivery 447201 45.2 .422
stock_level 447204 70.8 .422
7 85300 1500 148 23.0% <0.01 new_order 4450450 451 .641
payment 4450445 190 .578
order_status 445045 20.4 .297
delivery 445045 57.1 .484
stock_level 445046 94.1 .547
8 85448 1500 164 1.80% <0.01 new_order 4458146 506 .672
payment 4458147 226 .579
order_status 445813 22.4 .422
delivery 445814 61.4 .640
stock_level 445814 106 .640

SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.02, December 14, 2001]
Reporting page, Copyright © 2000-2002 SPEC. All rights reserved

First published at SPEC.org on 12-May-2005