SPECjbb2005 bops = 11919402, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 372481 SGI Altix UV 1000 (16 blade) Oracle Corporation Oracle JRockit(R) (build P28.0.0-29-114096-1.6.0_11-20090427-1758-linux-x86_64, compiled mode) SPEC license # 4, Tested by: SGI, Test date: Jun 15, 2010 Multi JVM Mode JVM run JVM Scores 1 371855 2 371760 3 375302 4 371658 5 374392 6 373038 7 370399 8 370557 9 366978 10 371405 11 371114 12 375104 13 374858 14 372910 15 373105 16 368599 17 371753 18 374025 19 370064 20 374506 21 373762 22 370699 23 375387 24 374793 25 368063 26 373594 27 373962 28 371829 29 376344 30 372626 31 369909 32 375052 SPECjbb2005 bops=11919402, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM=372481 HARDWARE | SOFTWARE Vendor SGI | Vendor Oracle Corporation Vendor URL http://www.sgi.com | Vendor URL http://www.oracle.co Model Altix UV 1000 (16 | m blade) | JVM Version Oracle JRockit(R) Processor Intel Xeon X7560 | (build (Intel Turbo Boost | P28.0.0-29-114096-1. Technology up to | 6.0_11-20090427-1758 2.666GHz) | -linux-x86_64, MHz 2266 | compiled mode) # of Chips 32 | Command Line numactl # of Cores 256 | --physcpubind=${y}-$ # of Cores/Chip 8 | {y2},${y3}-${y4} HW Threads Yes | --localalloc -- java Procs avail to 512 | -Xms3700m -Xmx3700m Java | -Xns3200m Memory (MB) 1048576 | -Xgc:genpar Memory Details 4 GB ECC DDR3-1066 | -Xlargepages DIMMs (DIMM PC3 | -XXaggressive 8500R 0700J00 4GB | -XXgcthreads=16 SNS2RX4) filling all | -XXcompressedRefs slots. | -XXlazyunlocking L1 Cache 32kBI + 32kBD on | -XXcallprofiling chip per core | -XXtlasize:min=16k,p L2 Cache 256kB unified on | referred=1m -cp chip per core | jbb.jar:check.jar Other Cache 24MB (I+D) on chip | spec.jbb.JBBmain per chip | -propfile Filesystem ext3 | SPECjbb.props -id Disks 1 x 146 GB SCSI | $id (classes + OS) | Initial Heap Mem 3700 Other H/W | (MB) | Max Heap Mem 3700 | (MB) | JVM addressing 64 | bits | JVM CLASSPATH jbb.jar:check.jar | JVM /root/jrockit-jdk1.6 | BOOTCLASSPATH .0_11/jre/lib/amd64/ | jrockit:/root/jrocki | t-jdk1.6.0_11/jre/li | b/amd64:/root/jrocki | t-jdk1.6.0_11/jre/.. | /lib/amd64:/opt/sgi/ | mpt/mpt-2.01/lib | OS Version SuSE Linux | Enterprise Server 11 | SP1 | ( | 1.0.PTF-default) | Other S/W | | AOT Compilation Details | | | TUNING AND NOTES | Operating system tunings | Command line options are described at | http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E1 | 3150_01/jrockit_jvm/jrockit/jrdocs/pd | f/refman.pdf
System configured to | use one JVM per NUMA node (8 cores). | TEST INFORMATION Tested by SGI SPEC License 4 Test Location Chippewa Falls, WI Test Date Jun 15, 2010 JVM available May-2009 H/w available Jun-2010 OS available Jun-2010 Other s/w available JVM 1 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46634 2 98921 3 145831 4 191238 5 234223 6 265213 7 317630 8 355039 9 364495 10 352803 11 376650 12 382797 13 378550 14 384183 15 383556 * 16 397152 * 17 396415 * 18 386742 * 19 384727 * 20 385346 * 21 381788 * 22 379576 * 23 374052 * 24 372743 * 25 370060 * 26 365689 * 27 362381 * 28 360355 * 29 356452 * 30 352612 * 31 349686 * 32 345764 Throughput 371855 JVM 2 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46944 2 97909 3 145397 4 190377 5 233109 6 269734 7 318295 8 346484 9 359435 10 364366 11 364082 12 371058 13 369618 14 388227 15 385533 * 16 396277 * 17 390913 * 18 387514 * 19 386723 * 20 384330 * 21 380663 * 22 379413 * 23 376197 * 24 377915 * 25 370356 * 26 365972 * 27 362584 * 28 359650 * 29 354583 * 30 351511 * 31 348247 * 32 347078 Throughput 371760 JVM 3 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46744 2 98479 3 146573 4 185830 5 228784 6 278480 7 294156 8 330239 9 357144 10 356574 11 380377 12 382094 13 380099 14 383810 15 397488 * 16 396524 * 17 393224 * 18 391980 * 19 389963 * 20 389876 * 21 385369 * 22 381119 * 23 377826 * 24 375004 * 25 372991 * 26 370562 * 27 366475 * 28 363240 * 29 359525 * 30 359158 * 31 356089 * 32 351203 Throughput 375302 JVM 4 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 47016 2 90969 3 121773 4 190040 5 230549 6 278353 7 320008 8 356570 9 354777 10 354882 11 374751 12 380326 13 380133 14 383042 15 382406 * 16 398834 * 17 391605 * 18 392203 * 19 384820 * 20 382885 * 21 381876 * 22 382521 * 23 373672 * 24 370348 * 25 372917 * 26 362785 * 27 364130 * 28 356251 * 29 353672 * 30 354821 * 31 348120 * 32 346720 Throughput 371658 JVM 5 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46723 2 97942 3 122120 4 192207 5 233030 6 275822 7 318078 8 350200 9 362873 10 358117 11 378568 12 373582 13 387188 14 384746 15 393526 * 16 396351 * 17 394074 * 18 390995 * 19 389939 * 20 386879 * 21 383619 * 22 380130 * 23 378386 * 24 373893 * 25 370687 * 26 372892 * 27 366332 * 28 362359 * 29 358090 * 30 357643 * 31 352144 * 32 350251 Throughput 374392 JVM 6 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46845 2 98026 3 122385 4 190475 5 227525 6 277307 7 318628 8 357831 9 365587 10 368356 11 359401 12 377980 13 384805 14 382956 15 387409 * 16 396584 * 17 391309 * 18 387370 * 19 389204 * 20 385209 * 21 382229 * 22 384505 * 23 375844 * 24 372400 * 25 368847 * 26 366134 * 27 364585 * 28 361220 * 29 360833 * 30 354693 * 31 351305 * 32 349383 Throughput 373038 JVM 7 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46817 2 97620 3 145447 4 184634 5 229137 6 271815 7 306372 8 343541 9 361805 10 369425 11 377859 12 374694 13 381303 14 381578 15 386051 * 16 393669 * 17 389144 * 18 387928 * 19 384840 * 20 382736 * 21 383591 * 22 377035 * 23 372887 * 24 371699 * 25 366412 * 26 364897 * 27 366557 * 28 358335 * 29 352912 * 30 354295 * 31 347232 * 32 342611 Throughput 370399 JVM 8 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 47049 2 92102 3 123926 4 188480 5 231738 6 276799 7 317396 8 347426 9 364353 10 344024 11 380197 12 372281 13 366952 14 382112 15 393689 * 16 391918 * 17 390525 * 18 386026 * 19 383785 * 20 387557 * 21 385886 * 22 376761 * 23 373468 * 24 370046 * 25 366896 * 26 364506 * 27 360333 * 28 357319 * 29 354486 * 30 351485 * 31 348933 * 32 349538 Throughput 370557 JVM 9 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46345 2 97716 3 121233 4 190113 5 232237 6 267657 7 290403 8 349059 9 359166 10 353058 11 369989 12 374217 13 369830 14 379533 15 373659 * 16 390255 * 17 386091 * 18 388159 * 19 380475 * 20 376686 * 21 376635 * 22 372167 * 23 371326 * 24 371002 * 25 362302 * 26 360610 * 27 357748 * 28 354840 * 29 350603 * 30 347883 * 31 345175 * 32 346662 Throughput 366978 JVM 10 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46013 2 97680 3 142549 4 189578 5 232223 6 267352 7 294120 8 313389 9 358477 10 357559 11 373461 12 367489 13 378171 14 382932 15 392235 * 16 393899 * 17 390160 * 18 392125 * 19 385312 * 20 380914 * 21 381173 * 22 381263 * 23 374445 * 24 372204 * 25 368456 * 26 365669 * 27 361660 * 28 360048 * 29 356633 * 30 353387 * 31 350247 * 32 346287 Throughput 371405 JVM 11 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 44740 2 88391 3 137416 4 182141 5 223929 6 260431 7 310599 8 342034 9 350113 10 346155 11 365999 12 377058 13 387127 14 378595 15 384230 * 16 393719 * 17 395813 * 18 387970 * 19 384496 * 20 382281 * 21 379507 * 22 377067 * 23 374186 * 24 372955 * 25 368261 * 26 366261 * 27 362341 * 28 358484 * 29 354536 * 30 356179 * 31 348613 * 32 346272 Throughput 371114 JVM 12 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 47262 2 98662 3 146475 4 189739 5 231921 6 269329 7 321198 8 332925 9 359280 10 360282 11 376945 12 378258 13 389589 14 388228 15 391470 * 16 398648 * 17 394172 * 18 393443 * 19 393744 * 20 385809 * 21 384784 * 22 381811 * 23 378335 * 24 374860 * 25 377455 * 26 368612 * 27 365248 * 28 362494 * 29 359143 * 30 355189 * 31 353946 * 32 349085 Throughput 375104 JVM 13 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46892 2 91145 3 145251 4 187674 5 235072 6 279349 7 321124 8 336472 9 349978 10 360586 11 368146 12 375072 13 386103 14 383308 15 397970 * 16 392053 * 17 393348 * 18 395164 * 19 391856 * 20 385937 * 21 389390 * 22 380605 * 23 377686 * 24 374856 * 25 371696 * 26 370140 * 27 369780 * 28 362447 * 29 359060 * 30 357194 * 31 352137 * 32 349240 Throughput 374858 JVM 14 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 47006 2 88733 3 123603 4 189122 5 227730 6 267806 7 287693 8 347993 9 351813 10 357339 11 369954 12 377634 13 368194 14 385619 15 382260 * 16 400151 * 17 391757 * 18 392474 * 19 386283 * 20 389204 * 21 382941 * 22 378645 * 23 375741 * 24 373939 * 25 369056 * 26 370082 * 27 363954 * 28 358242 * 29 358386 * 30 352377 * 31 350832 * 32 345398 Throughput 372910 JVM 15 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46296 2 90565 3 140442 4 188711 5 231029 6 274433 7 319070 8 359473 9 357363 10 356743 11 375800 12 375348 13 373742 14 388830 15 389691 * 16 393761 * 17 395425 * 18 388967 * 19 385154 * 20 389604 * 21 383048 * 22 379736 * 23 376040 * 24 373607 * 25 369924 * 26 367145 * 27 364255 * 28 359377 * 29 356727 * 30 354480 * 31 353852 * 32 351682 Throughput 373105 JVM 16 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46851 2 97382 3 140885 4 188817 5 225697 6 270086 7 315761 8 311707 9 356826 10 366678 11 367843 12 381249 13 380336 14 386816 15 384499 * 16 391526 * 17 390651 * 18 383650 * 19 382501 * 20 380735 * 21 379612 * 22 381193 * 23 372133 * 24 368394 * 25 366477 * 26 362077 * 27 359203 * 28 354998 * 29 353296 * 30 348875 * 31 346848 * 32 344011 Throughput 368599 JVM 17 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 47231 2 90238 3 121425 4 186944 5 229898 6 271906 7 318698 8 317646 9 356857 10 369879 11 367795 12 375966 13 383015 14 381057 15 388700 * 16 394882 * 17 391183 * 18 387687 * 19 384439 * 20 388881 * 21 384933 * 22 382144 * 23 374642 * 24 370663 * 25 366845 * 26 369927 * 27 364492 * 28 358879 * 29 354578 * 30 352287 * 31 349399 * 32 343947 Throughput 371753 JVM 18 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46416 2 97366 3 142552 4 187991 5 234134 6 269341 7 313625 8 348748 9 360578 10 365434 11 376162 12 382681 13 374485 14 386679 15 390774 * 16 393743 * 17 392869 * 18 389559 * 19 388704 * 20 385961 * 21 386218 * 22 381020 * 23 377841 * 24 375332 * 25 374434 * 26 368140 * 27 366057 * 28 363552 * 29 358501 * 30 355917 * 31 351324 * 32 349257 Throughput 374025 JVM 19 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46246 2 89373 3 138148 4 187739 5 233550 6 265254 7 293253 8 337811 9 355015 10 353475 11 371947 12 379756 13 379199 14 381786 15 385667 * 16 389128 * 17 394375 * 18 389625 * 19 384730 * 20 381258 * 21 384519 * 22 375639 * 23 375460 * 24 370106 * 25 367542 * 26 364287 * 27 360359 * 28 357155 * 29 353655 * 30 352553 * 31 347149 * 32 343558 Throughput 370064 JVM 20 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46399 2 98229 3 142444 4 187223 5 233626 6 275648 7 322972 8 349517 9 368803 10 368705 11 380073 12 372871 13 381720 14 391209 15 388590 * 16 396545 * 17 394744 * 18 390823 * 19 389744 * 20 385941 * 21 384124 * 22 385615 * 23 377494 * 24 378612 * 25 372098 * 26 369999 * 27 363425 * 28 362508 * 29 360689 * 30 354329 * 31 351637 * 32 348268 Throughput 374506 JVM 21 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46041 2 97420 3 145204 4 189656 5 234337 6 267223 7 315420 8 323078 9 350566 10 357224 11 376553 12 378825 13 390238 14 383713 15 384555 * 16 392676 * 17 391097 * 18 389599 * 19 387596 * 20 384698 * 21 387516 * 22 378759 * 23 376632 * 24 373067 * 25 374565 * 26 367678 * 27 365054 * 28 362226 * 29 363676 * 30 355181 * 31 354436 * 32 349491 Throughput 373762 JVM 22 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46607 2 89860 3 140419 4 186716 5 228968 6 278237 7 321138 8 351580 9 356915 10 356866 11 368946 12 371906 13 377629 14 387235 15 391190 * 16 390697 * 17 398712 * 18 387987 * 19 386598 * 20 383484 * 21 381358 * 22 377430 * 23 380053 * 24 367956 * 25 371761 * 26 362222 * 27 362105 * 28 358539 * 29 352496 * 30 349255 * 31 347809 * 32 343428 Throughput 370699 JVM 23 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 47206 2 97903 3 143273 4 188157 5 233387 6 279910 7 315487 8 345290 9 358825 10 369096 11 372942 12 372762 13 372764 14 386543 15 389716 * 16 396352 * 17 399207 * 18 395494 * 19 388664 * 20 386406 * 21 384589 * 22 382470 * 23 378954 * 24 375300 * 25 373992 * 26 370791 * 27 365845 * 28 363717 * 29 359802 * 30 356786 * 31 352944 * 32 350267 Throughput 375387 JVM 24 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 47094 2 91548 3 145596 4 191280 5 230982 6 264419 7 294466 8 356967 9 360528 10 357342 11 371517 12 373719 13 384745 14 391627 15 391761 * 16 401305 * 17 396151 * 18 388744 * 19 389086 * 20 387779 * 21 383993 * 22 385334 * 23 379062 * 24 374460 * 25 372808 * 26 370594 * 27 365764 * 28 366569 * 29 357829 * 30 353494 * 31 351529 * 32 346971 Throughput 374793 JVM 25 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46097 2 88998 3 120529 4 181856 5 233261 6 266182 7 289473 8 313271 9 357495 10 355736 11 363980 12 375560 13 385614 14 383127 15 386434 * 16 387574 * 17 387783 * 18 384777 * 19 383378 * 20 380829 * 21 378177 * 22 376032 * 23 372167 * 24 368915 * 25 365653 * 26 362222 * 27 359398 * 28 357104 * 29 352426 * 30 351750 * 31 346919 * 32 341960 Throughput 368063 JVM 26 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46163 2 97440 3 144243 4 183578 5 230687 6 276960 7 316865 8 350014 9 355443 10 364841 11 371486 12 373426 13 371360 14 398453 15 386436 * 16 394006 * 17 393594 * 18 389402 * 19 388124 * 20 388606 * 21 383720 * 22 380652 * 23 378383 * 24 378307 * 25 371710 * 26 368006 * 27 365457 * 28 361656 * 29 355244 * 30 355381 * 31 350823 * 32 348032 Throughput 373594 JVM 27 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46371 2 97674 3 143071 4 182768 5 233136 6 265686 7 314166 8 340658 9 358900 10 367897 11 369124 12 381275 13 386564 14 392135 15 387833 * 16 393843 * 17 396284 * 18 388800 * 19 388081 * 20 387170 * 21 384237 * 22 379834 * 23 376904 * 24 374409 * 25 371189 * 26 370886 * 27 364375 * 28 363714 * 29 357360 * 30 355103 * 31 356125 * 32 349032 Throughput 373962 JVM 28 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46461 2 89965 3 138706 4 183552 5 230048 6 265565 7 290341 8 346893 9 355492 10 365689 11 369664 12 381749 13 373185 14 383520 15 390478 * 16 389984 * 17 389858 * 18 387251 * 19 391569 * 20 384860 * 21 381014 * 22 378009 * 23 374689 * 24 373829 * 25 368447 * 26 368242 * 27 366828 * 28 359638 * 29 356262 * 30 352145 * 31 352493 * 32 345979 Throughput 371829 JVM 29 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46919 2 98793 3 123425 4 192402 5 235816 6 280799 7 319386 8 352976 9 362430 10 359662 11 372740 12 376133 13 385738 14 396834 15 390094 * 16 401542 * 17 395896 * 18 391546 * 19 390621 * 20 388153 * 21 391321 * 22 382214 * 23 381270 * 24 375961 * 25 372920 * 26 370647 * 27 367644 * 28 367321 * 29 361191 * 30 356219 * 31 353700 * 32 349674 Throughput 376344 JVM 30 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46705 2 89014 3 127837 4 182740 5 233038 6 267341 7 317835 8 319936 9 355285 10 354506 11 375021 12 383069 13 374866 14 382002 15 386032 * 16 396550 * 17 391658 * 18 388581 * 19 391403 * 20 383817 * 21 383535 * 22 379725 * 23 375629 * 24 372803 * 25 369893 * 26 366712 * 27 363510 * 28 361108 * 29 356684 * 30 354758 * 31 350132 * 32 348142 Throughput 372626 JVM 31 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46516 2 89787 3 121491 4 183087 5 232653 6 268116 7 318042 8 352864 9 356941 10 371646 11 375071 12 376304 13 378402 14 389594 15 386467 * 16 396827 * 17 396210 * 18 388774 * 19 384043 * 20 380979 * 21 378444 * 22 373306 * 23 371532 * 24 373255 * 25 365771 * 26 366880 * 27 358351 * 28 358715 * 29 353810 * 30 349089 * 31 347164 * 32 345300 Throughput 369909 JVM 32 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 46631 2 98306 3 124841 4 185403 5 230556 6 271535 7 295458 8 351644 9 363448 10 367148 11 365409 12 382762 13 379168 14 389669 15 387373 * 16 395578 * 17 398290 * 18 391129 * 19 389096 * 20 386358 * 21 384669 * 22 380892 * 23 377861 * 24 374587 * 25 377464 * 26 369766 * 27 366280 * 28 362186 * 29 359310 * 30 356484 * 31 351509 * 32 354418 Throughput 375052 SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006] Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005-2007. All rights reserved