Patch instructions for Unix(Linux/Solaris/AIX/BSD/MacOS) systems: 1. Download the patch file patch_2511_to_2529.txt 2. Change working directory to existing source tree SPECstorage2020 3. patch < patch_2511_to_2529.txt 4. Type: make 5. The new binaries are now in the SPECstorage2020/bin directory. Patch instructions for Windows systems: 1. Using a Linux box, apply the patches above then copy the tree to the Window system that has Visual Studio 2015 Community installed. 2. Start Visual Studio 2015 Community by double clicking on the file SPECstorage2020/msbuild/netmist.sln 3. Follow the instructions in the SPECstorage Solution 2020 Users Guide Appendix A section 10.2 for building the benchmark on Windows. ------------------------------------ Fixes included in this service pack: ------------------------------------ * June 29, 2021: A performance neutral patch which fixes a code path where the vendor has modified the storage2020.yaml file and enabled "skip_init= 1". (This is not permitted for publication but is used by vendors for internal testing because it saves time in nightly regression tests.) The use of skip_init had an unintended side effect on workloads that contained attributes that enabled O_DIRECT on file I/O calls. The patch eliminates the side effect where use of skip_init in combination with the use of O_DIRECT caused the transfer sizes to not match the definitions of the workloads. * April 12, 2021: A performance-neutral patch is available to fix an unexpected benchmark termination at a certain load increment. * March 4, 2022: Performance neutral enhancment that improves compatibility with upcoming tools for dynamic visualization and interactive custom workload creation. * March 4, 2022: Added get_control and put_control sources to the kit. These provide the socket based API for the visualization tool to interface.