SPEC Power®[ Updates | Power Committee and other related tools | Results | Information and software documentation ] The increasing demand for energy-efficient IT equipment has resulted in the need for power and performance benchmarks. In response, SPEC formed the SPECpower Committee, whose role is to augment existing and create new industry-standard benchmarks and tools with a power/energy measurement. The SPEC Power benchmark is the first industry-standard benchmark that evaluates the power and performance characteristics of single server and multi-node servers. It is used to compare power and performance among different servers and serves as a toolset for use in improving server efficiency. The benchmark is targeted for use by hardware vendors, IT industry, computer manufacturers, and governments. The first SPEC Power® benchmark suite was created to measure the power and performance characteristics of server-class computer equipment. The first release is known as the SPECpower_ssj® 2008 benchmark suite. The SPECpower_ssj 2008 benchmark price is $1600 for new customers and $500 for qualified non profit organizations and accredited academic institutions. To find out if your organization has an existing license for a SPEC product please contact SPEC at info@spec.org. The drive to create the power and performance benchmark came from the recognition that the IT industry, computer manufacturers, and governments are increasingly concerned with the energy use of servers. This benchmark provides a means to measure power (at the AC input) in conjunction with a performance metric. This helps IT managers to consider power characteristics along with other selection criteria to increase the efficiency of data centers. The workload exercises the CPUs, caches, memory hierarchy and the scalability of shared memory processors (SMPs) as well as the implementations of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler, garbage collection, threads and some aspects of the operating system. The benchmark runs on a wide variety of operating systems and hardware architectures and should not require extensive client or storage infrastructure. Since this is the first industry power-performance benchmark, a general methodology (http://www.spec.org/power/docs/SPEC-Power_and_Performance_Methodology.pdf) for power measurement has been documented to assist other benchmark developers interested in measuring power. The PTDaemon interface update: Version 1.11.1 was released September 10th, 2024. Run and Reporting Rules Change: For architectures with microcode which can be updated separately from the Boot Firmware, the ROM version details must be included in the
System Under Test notes section. This will be required for all SPECpower_ssj2008 submissions starting with the October 26th review cycle. • The Oracle Hotspot 8, 11 & 15 Java versions are considered valid for future SPECpower_ssj2008 submissions using new processor families, as long as they are still supported according to the Oracle roadmap premier support date. When running the SPECpower_ssj2008 benchmark on Windows Server 2016 with huge pages enabled, a blue screen may occur if the heap size selected for the JVM is not a multiple of 1GB. This is resolved by Microsoft Update KB4025334 (last updated on 7/20/2017) for Windows Server 2016, which may be downloaded from: http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4025334 For information on the SPEC Power committee or its tools:
ResultsAll SPECpower_ssj® 2008 benchmark results currently require the use of v1.12.Submitted Results InformationBenchmark Press Releases
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